

OCS Inventory Helm Chart

OCS (Open Computers and Software Inventory Next Generation) is an assets management and deployment solution. Since 2001, OCS Inventory NG has been looking for making software and hardware more powerful. OCS Inventory NG asks its agents to know the software and hardware composition of every computer or server.

Assets management

Since 2001, OCS Inventory NG has been looking for making software and hardware more powerful. OCS Inventory NG asks its agents to know the software and hardware composition of every computer or server. OCS Inventory also ask to discover network’s elements which can’t receive an agent. Since the version 2.0, OCS Inventory NG take in charge the SNMP scans functionality. This functionality’s main goal is to complete the data retrieved from the IP Discover scan. These SNMP scans will allow you to add a lot more informations from your network devices : printers, scanner, routers, computer without agents, …


OCS Inventory NG includes the packet deployment functionality to be sure that all of the softwares environments which are on the network are the same. From the central management server, you can send the packets which will be downloaded with HTTP/HTTPS and launched by the agent on client’s computer. The OCS deployment is configured to make the packets less impactable on the network. OCS is used as a deployment tool on IT stock of more 100 000 devices.

Get the Chart

Add Helm repository

helm repo add ocsinventory https://ocsinventory-ng.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo update

Retrieve the values.yaml

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OCSInventory-NG/helm-charts/main/charts/ocsinventory/values.yaml

Note : all parameters on values.yaml are explained in the “Values” section of the README

Installing the Chart

cd OCSInventory-Helm-Chart
helm -n <namespace> install <release_name> ocsinventory/ocsinventory -f ./values.yaml --create-namespace

Upgrading the Chart

helm -n <namespace> upgrade <release_name> ocsinventory/ocsinventory -f ./values.yaml

Uninstalling the Chart

helm uninstall -n <namespace> <release_name>
kubectl delete ns <namespace>